Starting with November 27th. Rapid fire. Here we go.
The 27th was a nice day out for my wife and I. We went to Londonderry/Derry, which is a walled city. A beautiful place with much to see, much of which is either historical or political...sometimes a combination of both. I would have loved to get to an elevated vantage point so as to get a shot of the actual walls encircling the city. But no such luck.
Just some stuff from walking around the city all day. The middle shot is a portion of the wall...that was a lookout "tower" of sorts. I loved the way the sun was bathing it in light.
I also found this. It says Hector. Not actually my name...but there is a good story for why I use it. One you won't get to hear in this rapid fire post.
The 28th. Belfast has a wonderful Christmas Market set up in the middle of the city. I have posted about it before. Well, I figured I'd try to get there before it was open on Monday and try to get some shots of it in a state of abandonment/emptiness. If it wasn't for a few people, it would have been both of those...

The 29th seemed like a good day to catch up on my "books I've recently read" list. I'm trying to make the shots pertain to some element of the books. Candide, by Voltaire, is a book that was given to me as a Christmas present many years ago by some close friends of mine. Not reading it immediately was stupid on my part. I read it in about two hours and really could not figure out why I could not get into it any of the other times I had started it. In Our Time, by Hemingway, is a collection of some of his short stories as well as a running collection of his Nick Adams stories. Many of the short stories in it were written about Ronda, Spain. A beautiful place that my wife and I recently me more than enough reason to read it.
There was a public sector strike throughout the UK on November 30. As a result, there was a sign in front of my wife's University telling students to skip class...
I found this old lock in an old greenhouse on the 1st of December.
After some basic post-processing of the image, and after some cosmological thoughts (my brother had recently commented on my site about quasars and how they give us a view into the past) I decided to attempt a slightly "cosmic" looking image. Here is my result.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon a pretty impressive find. Brooks England is a company that has been making bicycle seats (I think they go by saddles here) since 1866. Though it may not have been that old, I came across a bike that looked like it was at least 60 years old. I got some shots of the bike, but they didn't turn out that great. The seat, on the other hand, did. Or at least I feel like it did. Perhaps I'll stumble upon the bike at another point in time and will get a good shot of it, but for now...
Another Christmas Market opened up today. We were there fairly early, buying our ornaments for our Christmas wreath. One stand had beautiful hand-woven/bent baskets and ornaments made from willows. We ended up getting a star from them. This was one of their other interesting creations...
While we were browsing, two men filled the air with Irish songs (and also Clapton songs) played on guitar and fiddle. Here's the fiddler...